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15航道浮标 海上浮标锚浮标,船舶用锚浮标,养殖浮漂,海上漂浮系列
1(EVA)D型实心护舷、船用碰垫(EVA) D solid fender, Marine touch pad
2D型、DA型、GD型、圆形等多种型号护舷Type D, DA, GD type, type of the ship round model
3充气式橡胶护舷靠球Inflatable rubber fenders
4船舶专用橡胶板、聚氨酯板Special jointing sheet, polyurethane board ships
5船艇、游艇新款防撞专用护舷、碰垫Boats, yacht new anticollision special fender, t
6公路道路防撞碰垫、防撞护栏Road crash barrier
7浮动码头、游艇码头、海上浮桥Floating dock, yacht dock, pontoon bridge in the sea
8各种 船艇护舷、碰垫、靠垫、护舷防护边、All kinds of boats fender, touch pad, the cushion for leaning on
9大型聚氨酯护舷、EVA实心护舷、靠球Polyurethane EVA solid fender, to depend on the ball
10石油、天然气管道浮子Oil, natural gas pipeline float
11围油藻栏、油水分离产品Around the algae bar, the oil-water separator oil products
12船舶上下水橡胶气囊Rubber balloon
13养鱼网箱漂浮系列cages floating series
14游艇专用实心护舷 碰垫The yacht special solid fender, touch pad
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各种橡胶的性能 All kinds of rubber performance.doc |
各种橡胶的性能(2010/08/16 09:56)
橡胶 材质 |
材质说明 |
优缺点 |
经常用途 |
丁睛胶 NBR (Nitrile Rubber) |
由丙烯睛与丁二烯共聚合而成,丙烯睛含量由 18%~50% ,丙烯睛含量愈高,对石化油品碳氢燃料油之抵抗性愈好,但低温性能则变差,一般使用温度范围为 -25~100 ℃。丁睛胶为目前油封及 O 型圈最常用之橡胶之一。 |
优点: 具良好的抗油、抗水、抗溶剂及抗高压油的特性。 具良好的压缩歪,抗磨及伸长力。 缺点: 不适合用于极性溶剂之中,例如酮类、臭氧、硝基烃, MEK 和氯仿。 |
用于制作燃油箱、润滑油箱以及在石油系液压油、汽油、水、硅润滑脂、硅油、二酯系润滑油、甘醇系液压油等流体介质中使用的橡胶零件,特别是密封零件。可说是目前用途最广、成本最低的橡胶密封件。 |
氢化丁睛胶 HNBR (Hydrogenate Nitrile) |
氢化丁睛胶为丁睛胶中经由氢化后去除部份双链,经氢化后其耐温性、耐候性比一般丁睛橡胶提高很多,耐油性与一般丁睛胶相近。一般使用温度范围为 -25~150 ℃。 |
优点: 较丁睛胶拥有较佳的抗磨性 具极佳的抗蚀、抗张、抗撕和压缩歪的特性 在臭氧、阳光及其它的大气状况下具良好的抵抗性 一般来说适用于洗衣或洗碗的清洗剂中 缺点: 不建议使用于醇类,酯类或是芳香族的溶液之中。 |
空调制冷业,广泛用于环保冷媒 R134a 系统中的密封件。 汽车发动机系统密封件。 |
氟橡胶 FPM / FKM (Fluoro Carbon Rubber) |
分子内含氟之橡胶,依氟含量 ( 即单体构造 ) 而有各种类型。目前广用的六氟化系氟橡胶最早由杜邦公司以 ”Viton” 商品名上市。耐高温性优于硅橡胶,有极佳的耐化学性、耐大部分油及溶剂 ( 酮、酯类除外 ) 、耐候性及耐臭氧性;耐寒性则较不良,一般使用温度范围为 -20~250 ℃。特殊配方可耐低温至 -40 ℃。 |
优点: 可抗热至 250 ℃ 对于大部份油品及溶剂都具有抵抗的能力,尤其是所有的酸类、脂族烃、芳香烃及动植物油 缺点: 不建议使用于酮类,低分子量的酯类及含硝的混合物。 |
汽车、机车、柴油发动机及燃料系统。 化工厂的密封件。 |
三元乙丙胶 EPDM (Ethylene propylene Rubber) |
由乙烯及丙烯共聚合而成主链不合双链,因此耐热性、耐老化性、耐臭氧性、安定性均非常优秀,但无法硫磺加硫。为解决此问题,在 EP 主链上导入少量有双链之第三成份而可硫磺加硫即成 EPDM ,一般使用温度范围为 -50~150 ℃。对极性溶剂如醇、酮、乙二醇及磷酸脂类液压油抵抗性极佳。 |
优点: 具良好抗候性及抗臭氧性 具极佳的抗水性及抗化学物 可使用醇类及酮类 耐高温蒸气,对气体具良好的不渗透性 缺点: 不建议用于食品用途或是暴露于芳香氢之中。 |
高温水蒸汽环境之密封件。 卫浴设备密封件或零件。 制动 ( 剎车 ) 系统中的橡胶零件。 散热器 ( 汽车水箱 ) 中的密封件。 |
硅橡胶 SI (Silicone Rubber) |
硅胶主链由矽(-Si-O-Si)结合而成。具有极佳的耐热、耐寒、耐臭氧、耐大氧老化.有很好的电绝缘性能。抗拉力强度较一般橡胶差且不具耐油性. |
优点: 经调制配方后抗张强度可达1500PSL及抗撕裂性可达88LBS。弹性良好及具有良好的压缩性。对中性溶剂具有良好的抵抗性。具极佳的抗热性。具极佳的抗寒性。对于臭氧及氧化物的侵蚀具极佳的抵抗性。极佳的电绝缘性能。隔热、散热性能。 缺点: 不建议使用于大部分浓缩的溶剂、油品、浓缩酸及经稀释后的氢氧化钠中。 |
家用电器行业所使用的密件或橡胶零件,如电热壹、电烫斗、微波炉内的橡胶零件。 电子行业的密封件或橡胶零件,如手机按键、DVD内的减震垫、电缆线接头内的密封件 等。与人体有接触的程式用品上的密封件,如水壶、饮水机等。 |
天然橡胶 NR (Natural Rubber) |
由橡胶树采集胶乳制成,是异戊二烯的聚合物。具有很好的耐磨性、很高的弹性、扯断强度及伸长率。在空气中易老化,遇热变黏,在矿物油或汽油中易膨胀和溶解,耐碱但不耐强酸。 |
优点: 良好的耐磨性、很高的弹性、扯断强度及伸长率,较好的气密性,较好的耐碱性。 缺点: 耐天候老化性不好。 耐油及耐溶剂性较差。 |
是制作胶带、胶管、胶鞋的原料,并适用于制作减震零件、在汽车剎车油、乙醇等带氢氧根的液体中使用的制品。 |
丁苯胶 SBR (Styrene Butadiene Copolyme) |
丁二烯与苯乙烯之共聚合物,与天然胶比较,品质均匀,异物少,但机械强度则较弱,可与天然胶掺合使用。 |
优点: 低成本的非抗油性材质 良好的抗水性,硬度 70 以下具良好弹力 高硬度时具较差的压缩歪 可使用大部份中性的化学物质及干性、滋性的有机酮 缺点: 不建议使用强酸、臭氧、油类、油酯和脂肪及大部份的碳氢化合物之中。 |
广用于轮胎业、鞋业、胶布业及输送带行业等。 |
丁基橡胶 IIR (Butyl Rubber) |
为异丁烯与少量 isoprenes 聚合而成,保有少量不饱合基供加硫用,因甲基的立体障碍分子的运动比其它聚合物少,故气体透过性较少,对热、日光、臭氧之抵抗性大,电器绝缘性佳;对极性溶剂如醇、酮、酯等抵抗大,一般使用温度范围为 -54~110 ℃。 |
优点: 对大部份一般气体具不渗透性 对阳光及臭氧具良好的抵抗性 可暴露于动物或植物油或是可氧化的化学物中 缺点: 不建义与石油溶剂,胶煤油和芳氢同时使用。 |
用于制作耐化学药品、真空设备的橡胶零件。 |
氯丁胶 CR (Neoprene 、 Polychloroprene) |
由氯丁烯单体聚合而成。硫化后的橡胶弹性耐磨性好,不怕阳光的直接照射,有特别好的耐大气老化性能,不怕激烈的扭曲,不怕二氯二氟甲烷和氨等制冷剂,耐稀酸、耐硅酯系润滑油,但不耐磷酸酯系液压油。在低温时易结晶、硬化,贮存稳定性差,在苯胺点低的矿物油中膨胀量大。一般使用温度范围为 -50~150 ℃。 |
优点: 弹性良好及具良好的压缩变形。 配方内不含硫磺因此非常容易来制作 具抗动物及植物油的特性 不会因中性化学物,酯肪、油脂、多种油品,溶剂而影响物性 具防燃特性 缺点: 不建议使用强酸、硝基烃、酯类、氯仿及酮类的化学物之中。 |
耐 R12 制冷剂的密封件。 家电用品上的橡胶零件或密封件。 适合用来制作各种直接接触大气、阳光、臭氧的零件。 适用于各种耐燃、耐化学腐蚀的橡胶制品。 |
氯磺化聚乙烯胶 CSM (Hypalon 、 Polyethylene) |
氯磺化聚乙烯为杜邦公司专利的合成橡胶。耐热性、耐候性、耐臭氧性均佳;耐酸性也佳,常用于耐氧化性药品 ( 硝酸、硫酸 ) 之处,一般使用温度范围为 -45~120 ℃。 |
极佳的抗磨蚀性 拥有和丁睛胶相同的低磨擦表面 对于油剂及溶剂的抵抗性介于丁睛胶及氯丁胶之间 建议使用水中来防渗漏 缺点: 不建议暴露于浓缩的氧化酸、硝基烃、酯类、酮类及芬香氢。 |
硅橡胶 SI (Silicone Rubber) |
硅胶主链由硅 (-si-o-si) 结合而成。具有极佳的耐热、耐寒、耐臭氧、耐大气老化。有很好的电绝缘性能。抗拉力强度较一般橡胶差且不具耐油性。 |
优点: 经调制配方后抗张强度可达 1500PSI 及抗撕裂性可达 88LBS 弹性良好及具有良好的压缩歪 对中性溶剂具有良好的抵抗性 具极佳的抗热性 具极佳的抗寒性 对于臭氧及氧化物的侵蚀具极佳的抵抗性 极佳的电绝缘性能 隔热、散热性佳 缺点: 不建议使用于大部份浓缩的溶剂、油品、浓缩酸及经稀释后的氢氧化钠之中。 |
家用电器行业所使用的密封件或橡胶零件,如电热壶、电烫斗、微波炉内的橡胶零件。 电子行业的密封件或橡胶零件,如手机按键、 DVD 内的减震垫、电缆线接头内的密封件等。 与人体有接触的各式用品上的密封件,如水壶、饮水机等。 |
硅氟橡胶 FLS (Fluorinated Silicone Rubber) |
矽氟橡胶为硅橡胶经氟化处理,其一般性能兼具有氟橡胶及矽橡胶的优点;其耐油、耐溶剂、耐燃料油及耐高低温性均佳,一般使用温度为 -50~200 ℃。 |
优点: 适用于特别用途,如要求能抗含氧的化学物、含芳香氢的溶剂及含氯的溶剂的侵蚀。 缺点: 不建议暴露于煞车油,酮类及胼的溶液中 |
太空机件上。 |
全氟橡胶 FFPM (Perfluoroelastomer) |
类似聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)材料,全氟橡胶具有优异耐化学性和耐高温性。普通全氟橡胶工作温度为 -250℃+240℃,特殊橡胶可达+320℃。 |
优点: 最佳耐热特性 优异的抗化学特性 低Outgassing 特性 优异之抗Plasma特性 缺点: 耐低温特性较差 原料价格较高 生产难度较高 |
全氟系列产品广泛地运用于半导体产业及信息相关产业所运用, 运用范围包含薄膜制程中之PVC, CVD及蚀刻制程及各种高真空密封制程。 |
丙烯酸酯橡胶 ACM (Polyacrylate Rubber) |
由 Alkyl Ester Acrylate 为主成份聚合而成之弹性体,耐石化油、耐高温、耐候性均佳,在机械强度、压缩变形率及耐水性方面则较弱,比一般耐油胶稍差。一般使用温度范围为 -25~170 ℃。 |
优点: 适用于汽车传动油之中 具良好的抗氧化及抗候性 具抗弯曲变型的功能 对油品有极佳的抵抗性 适用于汽车传动系统及动力方向盘之中 缺点: 不适用于热水之中 不适用于煞车油之中 不具耐低温的功能 不适用于磷酸酯之中 |
汽车传动系统及动力系统密封件。 |
聚氨酯橡胶 PU (Urethane Rubber) |
聚氨酯橡胶机械物性相当好,高硬度、高弹性、耐磨耗性均是其它橡胶类所难相比;耐老化性、耐臭氧性、耐油性也相当好。一般使用温度范围为 -45~90 ℃。 |
优点: 耐磨、耐高压 缺点: 不耐高温 |
工业上耐高压、耐磨密封件,如液压缸密封件。 高压高荷电系统 |
material quality |
Material Construction |
Advantages and disadvantages |
Often use
NBR (Nitrile Rubber) |
The eye of butadiene and propylene polymerization and become, propylene content eye by 18% ~ 50%, the higher the eye propylene content of petrochemical oil hydrocarbon fuel oil resistance of the better, but low temperature performance is worse, use commonly temperature range from 25 to 100 ℃ for- Butyl rubber oil seal and for the eye o-rings of one of the most commonly used rubber.
Good resistance to water resistance, oil resistance, resistance to high pressure oil solvents and characteristics.
Have good compression slanting, antiwear and elongation force.
Not suitable for use in the polar solvent, such as ketone, ozone, nitro hydrocarbon, MEK and chloroform. |
Used to make fuel, lubricating oil box in oil department and hydraulic oil, gas, water, silicon grease, silicone oil, two of lubricant, glycol esters of hydraulic oil flowing media use rubber parts, especially the sealing parts. Now is the most versatile, the lowest cost of rubber seal.
HNBR (Hydrogenate Nitrile) |
\Hydrogenated butyl rubber butyl rubber eye for eye through hydrogenation remove part after double chain, the hydrogenation, weather resistant temperature after its than general butyl rubber increase a lot of eye, oil resistance and general butyl rubber so close. General use temperature scope for-25 ℃ ~ 150. |
A butyl rubber eye has a better abrasion resistance
With excellent corrosion resistance, tensile, tear and compression crooked characteristics
In the ozone, sunshine and other atmospheric conditions have good resistance
Generally applicable to wash clothes or wash the dishes in the clear
Don't recommend in alcohol, ester or aromatic solution in. |
Air conditioning ZhiLengYe, widely used in environmental protection cold media system of McQuay sealing piece.
Automobile engine system the seal.
FPM / FKM (Fluoro Carbon Rubber) |
Molecules containing fluorine of rubber, in fluorine content (namely monomer structure) and have all kinds of types. At present the wide use of six fluoride is the earliest fluorine rubber by dupont to "Viton" brand name listed. High temperature resistant properties than silicon rubber, have excellent chemical resistance, resistance to most of the oil and solvent (ketones, esters except), weather and ozone-resisting sex; Cold resistance was bad, use commonly temperature range-20 ~ 250 ℃ for. Special formula can be low temperature resistance to 40 ℃.
Resistance to 250 ℃ can be
For most of the oil and has the ability of solvent resistance, especially all the acids, aliphatic hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbons animal and vegetable oil
Don't recommend in ketone, low molecular weight ester and contain the mixture of nitrate.
Automobile, motorcycle, the diesel engine and fuel system.
Chemical plant of seal. |
EPDM (Ethylene propylene Rubber) |
By ethylene and propylene copolymerization and into the main chain not double chain, so heat resistance, ageing resistance, resistance to ozone sex, stability are very good, but can't sulfur and sulfur. To resolve the issue, the main chain in the EP with a double import a small amount on the third ingredients and chain of sulfur and sulfur is a EPDM, use commonly temperature range 50-150 ℃ for- In polarity solvent such as alcohol, ketones, glycol and phosphoric acid lipid hydraulic oil resistance of excellent.
Good resistance to wait sex and ozone resistance sex
With excellent water resistance and resistance to chemicals
Can use alcohol and ketone
Resistance to high temperature steam, gas permeability is not good
Not recommended for food USES or exposure to scent of hydrogen. |
Seal of high temperature steam environment.
Sanitary equipment seal or parts.
Braking (brake) system of rubber parts.
The radiator (automobile tanks) of the seal. |
SI (Silicone Rubber) |
The main chain of silica gel by silicon (Si-O-Si) combined with and become. Has good heat resistance, cold resistance, the ozone resistance, resistance to big oxygen aging. Good electrical insulating performance. Strength is more general rubber poor railroad cars/containers, and also do not have oil resistance.
After the modulation formula tensile strength can reach 1500 PSL and tensile sex can reach 88 LBS. Flexibility is good and has good compressibility. To neutral solvent has good resistance. With excellent heat resistance. With excellent frost-resistant. For ozone and oxide with excellent erosion resistance. Excellent electrical insulating performance. Heat insulation, heat dissipation performance.
Don't recommend in most concentrated oil, solvent, concentrated acid and diluting the sodium hydroxide after.
Household appliances industry by use of MiJian or rubber parts, such as electric perm measures, microwave oven, 1 in the rubber parts. The electronics industry of seal or rubber parts, such as mobile phone key-press, DVD in the connector cable suspension pad, the seals, etc. And the human body is in contact with the program supplies of seal, such as water, water machine, etc. |
NR (Natural Rubber) |
Rubber latex by collection, which is isoprene polymer. Has the very good abrasion resistance, high elastic, pull a strength and elongation at break. In the air is easy ageing, encounter heat to become sticky, in mineral oil or gasoline easy inflation and dissolved, alkali resistance but not resistant to acid.
Good abrasion resistance, high elastic, pull a strength and elongation at break, good tightness, good alkali resistance.
Bad weather resistance aging sex.
Oil resistant and solvent resistance is poor.
Is making tape, rubber hose, the raw material, and it is applied in making suspension parts, in car brake oil, ethanol is taking the hydroxyl used in liquid products. |
SBR (Styrene Butadiene Copolyme) |
The polymer butadiene styrene and total, and natural rubber comparison, quality even, foreign body little, but the mechanical strength is weaker, and the natural rubber mixing with use.
Low cost the resistant toacids material
Good water resistance, hardness below 70 good elasticity
When the high hardness with poor compression is crooked
Can use most neutral chemicals and dry, the organic ketone of AIDS
Don't suggest using acid, ozone, oil, oil ester and fat and most of the hydrocarbons in.
Widely used in tire industry, shoes and tape industry and conveyor belt industry, etc. | All kinds of rubber performance (2010/08/16 09:56)
IIR (Butyl Rubber) |
For isobutylene and a few isoprenes polymerization and become, keep a few not saturated with the sulfur for use, because of methyl of molecular motion obstacle three-dimensional than other polymer less, so the gas through the sexual less, on the heat, and the sunlight, the ozone resistance, electric insulation good; In polarity solvent such as alcohol, ketones, ester resistance big, general use temperature scope for-54 ~ 110 ℃. |
For most general gas permeability has not
To sunshine and ozone good resistance
Can be exposed to animal or vegetable oil or chemical oxidation can be
Don't build righteousness and oil solvents, plastic kerosene and fang hydrogen used at the same time.
Used to produce chemicals resistant, vacuum equipment rubber parts. |
CR (Neoprene 、 Polychloroprene) |
A synthetic propylene polymerization monomer by and into. The elastic rubber vulcanization after good abrasion resistance, is not afraid of the direct sunlight for, with a particular good resistance to atmospheric aging performance, not afraid the fierce distortion, is not afraid of the two chlorine two fluorine methane and ammonia and other refrigerants, resistance to dilute acids, resistant to silicon ester of lubricating oil, but not resistant to phosphate is hydraulic oil. At low temperatures easily crystallized, hardening, storage stability is poor, the low point in aniline in large amount of mineral oil inflation. General use temperature scope for-50 ~ 150 ℃. |
Flexibility is good and have good compression deformation.
In the formula does not contain sulfur so very easy to make
Are resistant to animals and the characteristics of the vegetable oil
Won't because neutral chemicals, ester Fang, grease, a variety of oil, solvent and affect physical properties
Fire characteristics with
Don't suggest using acid and the nitro hydrocarbon, esters, chloroform and ketone chemicals in. |
First of all, the seals R12 resistance. Home appliances of the rubber parts or the seal.
Suitable for making all sorts of direct contact with air and sunshine, ozone parts.
Apply to all kinds of resistance to burn, chemically resistant rubber products.
CSM (Hypalon 、 Polyethylene) |
Chlorosulfonated polyethylene for dupont patent of synthetic rubber. Heat resistant, weather resistance, resistance to ozone sex are good; Acidoresistant also beautiful, often used for resistance to oxidation sexual medicine (nitric acid, acid) place, use commonly temperature range for-45 ℃ ~ 120. |
Excellent resistance to abrasive
With butyl rubber and so the same low friction surface
For oil and solvent resistance between butyl rubber and eye between neoprene
Suggest using the water to prevent leakage
Don't suggest exposure to concentrated acid oxide, nitro hydrocarbon, esters, ketone and sweet-smelling hydrogen. |
SI (Silicone Rubber) |
The main chain of silica gel by silicon (si-o-si) combined with and become. Has good heat resistance, cold resistance, the ozone resistance, resistance to atmospheric aging. Have a good electrical insulating performance. Strength is more general rubber poor railroad cars/containers, and also do not have oil resistance. |
After the modulation formula tensile strength of up to 1500 PSI and tensile sex can reach 88 LBS
Flexibility is good and has better compression is crooked
To neutral solvent has good resistance
With excellent heat resistance
With excellent frost-resistant
For ozone and oxide with excellent erosion resistance
Excellent electrical insulating performance
Heat insulation, heat dissipation good sex
Don't recommend in most concentrated solvent, oil products, concentrated acid and diluting the sodium hydroxide after them.
Household appliances industry use of seal or rubber parts, such as electric kettle, a perm, microwave oven in the rubber parts.
The electronics industry of seal or rubber parts, such as mobile phone key-press, DVD in the connector cable suspension pad, the seals, etc.
The human body is contact with all kinds of articles for use of seal, such as water, water machine, etc.
FLS (Fluorinated Silicone Rubber) |
Silicon fluorine rubber of silicon rubber the fluoride treatments, the general properties and has the fluorine rubber and silicon rubber advantages; Its oil resistance, nairongji, fuel oil and resistance to high low temperature sex are beautiful, use commonly temperature from 50 to 200 ℃. |
Apply to special USES, such as requirement can contain oxygen resistance of aromatic chemicals, including hydrogen solvent and chloric solvent erosion.
Don't suggest exposure to brake oil, ketone and Pian solution
The space in the parts. |
FFPM (Perfluoroelastomer) |
Similar polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) materials, all the fluorine rubber excellent chemical resistance and high temperature resistant properties. Ordinary all fluorine rubber work for temperature
-250 ℃ to + 240 ℃, the special rubber to + 320 ℃. |
Best heat resistant properties
Excellent chemical resistance properties
Low Outgassing characteristics
Excellent resistance properties of Plasma
Low temperature characteristics is poorer
Raw material prices higher
Production difficulty is taller
All the fluorine series products is widely used in semiconductor industry and information related industry use, use range includes film process of PVC, CVD and etching process, and all kinds of high vacuum seal process. |
ACM (Polyacrylate Rubber) |
By Alkyl Ester Acrylate polymerized are a major component of the elastomer, resistance to petrochemical oil, high temperature resistant, weather resistance are poor, and in the mechanical strength, compression deformation rate and water resistance is weak, oil resistant than general rubber is a bit poor. General use temperature scope for-25 ℃ ~ 170. |
It is suitable for automobile transmission oil in
Good resistance to oxidation resistance and syndrome of sex
With the function of flexural variant
To the oil have excellent resistance
It is suitable for automobile transmission system and power steering in
Not for hot water in
Not for brake oil in
Do not have the function of low temperature resistance
Not for phosphate in
Auto transmission system and power system the seal. |
PU (Urethane Rubber) |
Polyurethane rubber mechanical property is quite good, high hardness, good elasticity, resistance to abrasion sex are other rubber species than hard; Aging resistance, resistance to ozone sex, oil resistance also is quite good. General use temperature scope for-45 to 90 ℃. |
Wear resistance, resistance to high pressure
Not resistant to high temperature
Industry resistance to high pressure, wear-resisting sealing parts, such as hydraulic cylinder seals.
High pressure GaoHe electric system |